Wednesday, July 31, 2013

10 Places to Bargain Shop, #3

Hello again! We are on day three out of ten of different places to bargain shop.  Today's post is dedicated specifically to one store: Wally World.

3.) Wal-Mart: This superstore needs a number and post all by itself! For starters, they are one of the cheapest stores around and most of their items are of pretty good value; not to mention they sell just about everything! Here are some of the great things about Wal-Mart:

-Free site-to-store shipping: you can go online to their clearance section and get things like clothes (like, full outfits for babies and kids) for less than $5.00; 2 pack crib sheets (which can be cut and used for other things) for $4.00; and so many other things that aren't clearanced in-stores and not pay shipping. Great deal, isn't it?

-Price match: I LOVE that Wal-Mart does this. The other day, I gathered all of the local back-to-school sales ads and took them to Wal-Mart with me. I bought all (except her backpack, nap mat, and Ziploc baggies because we already had those things) of The Diva's school supplies PLUS some extra supplies for my office/craft area for... $8.72! And it was all name brand - Crayola, Elmer's, Bic, etc. My husband was amazed! Just make sure to get the specified brand that is in the ad.

-Clearance Aisles: OMG! We have a smaller Wal-Mart, but there are 5 aisles dedicated just to clearanced items. Plus, there are always sales racks located throughout the entire store. It's like Heaven for cheap people like me! AND when you visit Wal-Marts in other cities, you will be amazed at some of their clearance items because they (usually) have different items than you do in your home store. I know we're going out of town on a family vacation and all of us girls have already decided we're going to spend a day raiding the Wal-Mart in that town!

Wal-Mart has a lot of other great options to help you save, but that list could go on and on forever (I'm a big fan of this store and website). If you've ever been to a Wal-Mart, you understand my obsession.

Thank you for reading; look forward to the next post in the series tomorrow!

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